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http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleId=20502Eurosurveillance, Volume 18, Issue 24, 13 June 2013Rapid communicationsFirst cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infections in France, investigations and implications for the prevention of human-to-human transmission, France, May 2013A Mailles ()1, K Blanckaert2,3, P Chaud2,4, S van der Werf5, B Lina6, V Caro7, C Campese1, B Guéry8, H Prouvost4, X Lemaire9, M C Paty1, S Haeghebaert4, D Antoine1, N Ettahar10, H Noel1, S Behillil5, S Hendricx9, J C Manuguerra7, V Enouf6, G La Ruche1, Caroline Semaille1, B Coignard1, D Lévy-Bruhl1, F Weber1, C Saura1, D Che1, The investigation team11<ol id="ctl00_Place_ES_content_bltInstitutions" class="ES_Article_aff" style="list-style-type: decimal;">Institut de veille sanitaire (InVS), Saint Maurice, FranceThese authors contributed equally to this workAntenne Régionale de Lutte contre les Infections Nosocomiales (ARLIN), Lille, FranceInstitut de Veille Sanitaire, Lille, FranceNational Reference Center for influenza viruses (coordinating center) and Unit of Molecular Genetics of RNA Viruses, coordinating center, Institut Pasteur, Paris, FranceNational Reference Center for influenza viruses, Hospices Civils de Lyon and Virpath, Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, Lyon, FranceCellule d'Intervention Biologique d'Urgence (CIBU), Institut Pasteur, Paris, FranceCentre Hospitalier Régional et Universitaire, Université de Lille 2, Lille, FranceCentre hospitalier, Douai, FranceCentre Hospitalier, Valenciennes, FranceThe members of the team are listed at the end of the article</ol><hr class="Centre_divider" />6/19水 スタッフさんもみんなでやったのかな?
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The offended firms in this category included: ImmunoGen (nasdaq:IMGN), Exelixis (nasdaq:EXEL), Seattle family genes (pink sheets,dow jones:SGEN), Ariad (nasdaq:ARIA), Array prescriptions (nasdaq:ARRY) and there are more. the virus affects almost all muscles, incorporating neck muscles, Arms muscle tissues, trunk area, Legs and muscles that control facial words, gnawing, taking, giving a presentation, And inhalation. Patients lose massive weight and at later stages of their illness, They lose ability to breathe them selves and depend on support of a ventilator for survival.
opywatpihxДата: Пятница, 07.11.2014, 22:19 | Сообщение # 85
Группа: Гости

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A 22 year old Jessup man pleaded guilty yesterday to manslaughter in a shooting incident in September that left his teenage friend dead. Michael Mullinax, 17, died after being shot in the chest by Kenneth Bowser in the basement of Bowser's home in the 8100 block of Sheffield Court, prosecutors said. Bowser told police that he had been drinking before Mullinax arrived and the two had handled a 9mm Luger before it went off.
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His companion then points out that his illusion has apparently concealed them from Enerjak as well, and teleports the pair into an air vent just above Enerjak's chamber. Knuckles then dislodges a grating and rides it to land on top of Enerjak, who throws him off in a rage.As the Fire Ants swarm over Enerjak's citadel, Enerjak mocks Knuckles' attack, only for Knuckles to reveal his name and his knowledge of Enerjak's true identity: that of his distant uncle Dimitri. His accusation that Enerjak is the reason for his current status in life is refuted by Enerjak's claims that his brother Edmund is responsible, along with the members of the Echidnaopolis High Council.
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In 2011 2012, it was widely used as a slur against Russia's own protesters who turned out to denounce rampant election fraud and Putin's cynical gambit to return to the presidency after using his obedient "heir" Dmitry Medvedev to get around the constitutional two term limit. In doing so, he taps into a real sentiment among Russians 78 percent of whom completely or mostly agree that Russia should reclaim its status as a "great empire." Yet this sentiment is more nuanced than appears at first glance. The share of those who "completely" support empire restoration has dropped from 59 percent in 1999 to 40 percent in 2011.
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